Global Warming


Climate change is changing our economy, health and communities in diverse ways. Scientists warn that if we do not  curb climate change now, the results will likely be disastrous. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things. It's the only reasonable way to save our planet, before it is too late.

Let's find out more..........



To complete your task  you need to answer following questions:

To complete your task  you need to answer following questions:

1. What is Global Warming? 

Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.

 2. What are the causes of it? 

Earth's climate is mostly influenced by the first 6 miles or so of the atmosphere which contains most of the matter making up the atmosphere. 

3.What are the Greenhouse Gases?

The most significant greenhouse gas is actually water vapor, not something produced directly by humankind in significant amounts. However, even slight increases in atmospheric levels of  carbon dioxide (CO2) can cause a substantial increase in temperature. 


Follow instructions:

  • work in groups of three
  • choose the speaker of your group who assigns the tasks to the members of your group and will present your results 
  • find information related to the topic ( see enclosed on-line resources)
  • share and discuss your findings and ideas within the group
  • answer all questions given in the task
  • complete your list of words with their explanation

to find information see following on-line resources:

or watch the video about global warming:



  • You  answered all questions with logical explanation in full sentences using your own words
  • You gave a clear presentation of the findings using a wide range of vocabulary
  • you gave arguments for your results
  • you completed a sufficient list of words related to the topic


  • you answered all questions with logical explanation using  mostly words copied from the on line text
  • you gave a clear presentation of the findings using rather limited vocabulary
  • you gave arguments for your results
  • you completed a list of words related to the topic


  • you answered at least 4 questions with logical explanation using only words copied from the on line text
  • you gave a presentation of the findings using basic vocabulary
  • you gave pure arguments for your results
  • you completed a  short list of words related to the topic


  • you answered at least 3 questions in simple words ( no full sentences)
  • you gave a presentation using very basic vocabulary
  • you didn't gave any arguments for your results
  • you didn't completed the list of words related to the topic


  • you answered less then 3 questions
  • you gave an unclear presentation
  • you didn't gave any arguments for your results
  • you didn't completed the list of words related to the topic

Finally, test your knowledge    GOOD LUCK  !!!