A Greek dictionary


Greek language has had a tremendous influence on the English. In our everyday lives we use Greek rooted words and definitions all the time.


Create an album of words/names from Ancient Greek that are used today.


1. Find out the list of ancient Greek words/names that are used today.

   You can open these links:



2. Color and decorate your album to make it interesting.

3. Combine and arrange the words alpabetically.

Evaluation Rubric
  Proficient Fair Weak
Content easily understood and great ideas. Can be understood but unrelated ideas. Can't be understood
Vocabulary Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary in dealing with the task Uses appropriate vocabulary in dealing with the task. Uses limited and appropriate vocabulary in dealing with the task.
Layout Interesting, using related pictures and colorful decoration. Interesting,there are few pictures. Not really colorful. No pictures and colors.

Well,you have finished your album...Now,you can share it with others....