HTML coding


In this webquest you will be learning the basics of HTML coding only the basics so don't worry too much okay. If you want a more in depth way of coding you can go to codecademy it is a great site that allows you to go as far or as short you want to go into the coding expierence.


Okay first the first thing you ever do in HTML coding is <!DOCTYPE html> this just tells the computer that the type of code you are typing in is HTML. After you do that, you need to put <html>. When you type <html> then next you need to start your heading by putting in <head>  then you would put  <title> then type your title after you do that then you close your title by typing in </title>. When you're finished with that you close your head</head>. Then you start your body by putting <body>. Inside the body goes the paragraphs for your website you start them like this <p> you end them like this </p> at the end you can close the body with </body> when you are finished you can close your website with</html>


  1. <!DOCTYPE>
  2. <html>
  3. <head> 
  4. <title> Yum Yum </title>
  5. </head>
  6. <body>
  7. <p> hi people this is my webpage thanks for coming </p>
  8. </body>
  9. </html>

Now go to google drive and try to write a basic code of what ever you whant the n go to code tester