Integer Webquest by Emelie M.



Three kids find a safe in their grandparent's house. They ask their grandparents if they can have what's inside. Their grandparent's said they can, but they must answer some questions to figure out the code.

                                                          Image result for safe


1.Answer the questions and get pieces of the code one by one. 

2. Figure out what order the numbers of the code go in, and unlock the safe.

3. Check your answer and see if you were right.



1. What Century were Integers finally accepted?

2. Whon were the first cultures to use Integers?

3. When was the word "Integer" first introduced?

4. What does the word "Integer" mean in Latin?

5. What is the symbol for "Integer", and why?

6. If two Intgers have the same sign, how do you add them?

7. If two Intgers have different signs, how would you add them or subtract them?

8. How do you determine the difference when you subtract two integers?

9. How do you multiply and divide integers

How to find your answers

To figure out the answer to the questions go to the link below and follow the directions

Integer Webquest Question Links - Google Docs



How to get your secret code

Go to the link below and folow the directions

Webquest Ending - Google Docs

The code for the safe is............ (look in the credits!)


By Emelie McFeely

Safe Code: 1310!

If thats what you got, thne Congrats! you opened the safe!

Teacher Page

This webquest helps students answer the questions by giving them math problems. They solve the problems corectly, and get closer to their answer.

If they get all of the questions corect, then they have got the idea of what integers are, and how they are used, and they also solve the puzzle!