Integer Webquest VIVIAN


Welcome to my Webquest

This webquest is about Integers and this webquest is for teaching about Integers. An integer is a whole number, a thing that completes itself.


You will have groups of 3-4

1-How do you add 2 integers with the same sign?

2-How do you add 2 integers with different signs?

3-How do you subtract integers?

4-How do you multiply and divide integers?

5-In what century were negative integers accepted?

6-Which cultures were the first to use negative integers and what contributions did they make?

7-When was the word integer introduced?

8-What does the word integer mean in Latin?

9-What is the symbol for integers,where does it come from,and what does it mean?


You will be able to play games on these websites:

Practice on

Integers in real life

temperatures below 0

when you owe money and do not have enough to cover it

below sea level

  • Examples and visual guides 



This should be presented either online or something visual

The standards are...

  • adding integers with the same symbols
  • adding integers with different symbols
  • multiplying integers
  • dividing integers
  • explanation on how you add, subtract, multiply, and divide
  • make a story problem with all 4 of these different ways 
  • 3 pictures that help you understand Integers

Discuss what you did with your groups 

Discuss what you did good on and what you could use some more work on and see if anyone in your groups can help you with anything you don't understand.



 Intersting Facs:

  • Negative Integers were not accepted till the 19th century
  • China was the first documented case in 200 BC.
  • The first known use of the word integer was in reference to whole numbers in 1571 by Thomas Digges.
  • Latin integer whole, complete, figuratively,untainted, upright,literally untouched ,not.
  • Z is used to indicate integers because it comes from the German word "Zahl," which means "number

Hope you liked it

and remember if you ever make a web quest be creative