Introduction to The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell


Today, you will complete a web quest to establish background information for our reading of The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Click the "Task" tab to continue.


On the "Process" tab, you will find links to several different articles about Malcolm Gladwell and The Tipping Point. Click the link, read the article, and then use your handout to answer the questions associated with it. When you are finished with the web quest, turn it in to your teacher.

If you were not in class during the web quest, you can find the questions associated with this web quest on the "Evaluation" tab.


Read this article and answer questions 1-5 on your handout.

Read this New York Times article and answer questions 6-9 on your handout.

Read this Q and A article from Malcolm Gladwell's website, then answer the remaining questions on your handout.

  1. Where was Gladwell born?

  1. What were his parents’ nationalities and occupations?

    1. Mom:

    2. Dad:

  1. What degree did Gladwell earn in college?

  1. List several of Gladwell’s occupations other than writing.

  1. For what publication does Gladwell currently write?

  1. If you wanted Gladwell to come speak at our school, about how much money would you have to raise?

  1. The author of the article asserts that Gladwell has created “a highly contagious hybrid genre of nonfiction.” What two perspectives does his writing bring together?

  1. According to the article, how does Gladwell “[broaden] his books’ appeal”?

  1. Included in the 12th paragraph (beginning “On his website”) is Gladwell’s apologia pro vita sua.

    1. Apologia pro vita sua is a Latin phrase that means:

    2. List several key points of Malcolm Gladwell’s apologia pro vita sua.

  1. What is a “tipping point”?

  1. How are “memes” and “tipping points” similar?

  2. Summarize what Gladwell hopes readers will “take away” from reading the book.