Money in the Bank.


Hello future and current money $aver$

I know all you students love money and if your anything like my children, you also like spending it too. During this WebQuest you will assist Mr. Frausto and see how much money he will be putting away into his piggy bank this school year and yes just like most of you Mr. Frausto has a piggy bank. Mr. Frausto eats lunch every day from the school's cafeteria and everyday his total comes up to $3.55 and every day he pays with a $5 dollar bill. Please look at this Video





For This project you will be in groups of three (3). Each student will have their own job.

Job 1: Present every coin and every bill in class and you will also name each person on each coin and bill. Penny, nickle, dime, quarter, half dollar, and dollar coins. The bills will include $1,$2, $5, $10, $20, and the $50 bill. Again you name each person on each coin and bill and what they did for a living.

Job 2: You will find the change amount ($5.00-3.55=?) and ten different ways on how to give that change back. (Example: 2 Quarters and 3 Dimes) You will also write a couple of sentence on the importance of knowing different ways to give change back. Write yes or no if I will save at least $500.00

Job 3: There are five days in a school week, four weeks in a school month, and nine months in a school year. You will find out how much money will go into Mr. Frausto's Piggy Bank in a school day, week, month and year. To find out how much goes in a school week you add the daily amount five times. To find out the monthly total you add the weekly amount four times (ex. 3+3+3+3=12). To find the yearly total you add the monthly amount nine times (ex. 5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5=45)

Job 4: EVERYONE WILL DO THIS JOB!!! Realistically, how much money do you beleive that you can save each school year and then write half of a page on what you would do with the money once you have reached your goal.  


Where do I begin?

For Job 1, you can start off first by getting every coin and then bringing it into class. I will provide the bills. Then you will be able to use your books to find out who the people where. You will aslo be able to use the internet as well.

For Job 2, You will show your work on how you got your answer and the you can write ten different possibilities on the way the change can be given back. On a separate sheet of paper write a couple of sentences why would it be important to know different ways to give change back.

For Job 3, You will find out how much change Mr. Frausto gets back each day for lunch. You will also find out the totals (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly) of how much money will go into Mr. Frausto's piggy bank. Put this on a seperate sheet of paper. Make sure to show your work to get full credit.

For Job 4, Everyone will do this on a separate sheet of paper as well. Again everyone will write about half a page on how much they would want to save each school year and what they would do with the money when the do reach the goal.


You will get three grades for this project. Two individual grades for your job 1-3 and for Job 4. You will also get a Group grade which will be the average of everyone’s grade in the group.







Job 1





Naming every person on each bill and coin and what they   did for a living.

Missing 1-3 names from the coin and bills.  

Missing 4-6 names from the coins and bills.

Missing more than 6 names from the coins and bills.



Job 2





Find the correct amount and showing your work.

Also having 10 different ways to give back the change.

Not finding the correct and showing your work. Having only   7-9 different ways to give back change.

Not finding the correct and showing your work. Having only   4-6 different ways to give back change

Not finding the correct and not showing your work. Having   1-3 different ways to give back change


Job 3






Finding all the total amounts and Showing your work for   all totals.

Finding 2-3 amounts correctly and showing your work for   all the amounts.

Finding 0-1 amount correctly and showing your work for all   the amounts.

Finding no amounts correctly and not showing you work at   all.


Job 4


(This will be an individual Grade)




There are no errors in grammar in the paper.

There are 1-3 errors in grammar in the paper.

There are 4-6 errors in grammar in the paper.

There are 7 or more errors in grammar in the paper.






         I hope you guys enjoy this assignment and helped them understand the value of the different monies that we use. We will be taking a short survey after everyone has presented and turned in their project. The survey will included if you liked or did not like learning about coins this way and what I could have done to make it better, so be ready to help me by giving me some tips on what I need to work on. Thank you and good luck to everyone.

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Teacher Page

My name is Mr. Frausto and I am looking to teach 2nd or 3rd grade so I went off their standards for math that has to do with money.

 2nd grade:

  3rd grade: