Native Americans: Sioux


You will be learning about the Native American nation called the Sioux. You will be learning what it would be like to live in their shoes. 


You will create a board game about the Native American naiton called the Sioux.


 In order to do this you will need to do some research to learn about their way of life, where they lived, any famous people that were apart of the tribe, what their daily life was like, why the buffalo was important to them and any other interesting facts. 

Below you will find some websites that will help you research the Sioux.

Make sure you explore this site:

When you are ready to create your game board and pieces make sure you make a list of what you need to pick up from the store. 


Making A Game : Native Americans: Sioux

      Teacher Name: 

Mrs. Blind


    Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Knowledge Gained All students in group could easily and correctly state several facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game. All students in the group could easily and correctly state 1-2 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game. Most students in the group could easily and correctly state 1-2 facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game. Several students in the group could NOT correctly state facts about the topic used for the game without looking at the game.
Accuracy of Content All information cards made for the game are correct. All but one of the information cards made for the game are correct. All but two of the information cards made for the game are correct. Several information cards made for the game are not accurate.
Attractiveness Contrasting colors and at least 3 original graphics were used to give the cards and gameboard visual appeal. Contrasting colors and at least 1 original graphic were used to give the cards and gameboard visual appeal. Contrasting colors and \"borrowed\" graphics were used to give the cards and gameboard visual appeal. Little or no color or fewer than 3 graphics were included.
Rules Rules were written clearly enough that all could easily participate. Rules were written, but one part of the game needed slightly more explanation. Rules were written, but people had some difficulty figuring out the game. The rules were not written.
Creativity You put a lot of thought into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces and/or game board. You put some thought into making the game interesting and fun to play by using textures, fancy writing, and/or interesting characters. You tried to make the game interesting and fun, but some of the things made it harder to understand/enjoy the game. Little thought was put into making the game interesting or fun.

Date Created: Jul 02, 2015 04:29 pm (CDT)



I hope you learned alot about the Sioux and enjoy playing your game!