Orthographic Drawing


An orthographic drawing represents a three-dimensional object using several two-dimensional views of the object. It is also known as an orthographic projection.It has 6 principal views- the front view, top view, rear view, bottom view, right side view and the left side view.


Your  first task is to draw orthographic drawing with the given

measurement. Change the mesurements:30 into 15 cm, 12 into 6 cm, and 36 into18.

Secondly,give the tools for drafting(with its uses and image).

Lastly differentiate Isometric from Orthographic drawing.


You are going to open the sites that are given for you to answer the following task.

here are the sites you need in doing the task:

1. http://www2.wisd.net/archive/industrialtech/DRAFTING/draftingtools.htm

2. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-orthographic-proje…


Do the first task in  one whole Oslo paper.Put border. The Second and third task will be in one whole bond paper. (printed)