Prove it! Is it Fact or Opinion


You be the detective! Prove it! Is the author giving you facts or is it his point of view (opinion). Can you find the clues (keywords) to assist you in your choice?




You will be identifying facts and opinions. You will discover keywords that will help you prove if the author's statements are facts or his opinions. 

What is a fact and what is an opinion? Learn the difference with Binky. Just click on



Then practice by determining if what Francine and Buster say are facts and opinions.

More practice with Garfield:

learning lab


Step 1:

Can you find the clues (keywords)?!     Authors Point of View Worksheet.docx


Step 2:

Library Learning Log Time!

In you log, write one fact and one opinion about birds.

Be ready to share your statements with the other detectives in your class!



Do you understand the difference between facts and opinions?

Let's check !

Click on the website below and follow the instructions that are there. 


literacy: fact or opinion


How did you score?



Extra detective work to solve the mystery of fact and opinions!

Just so we won't forget a clue ( keyword)- Design a poster of clue words that will help others to know that the statement is an opinion.

Here are some other keywords to help you

  • In my opinion
  • I feel
  • I think
  • My favorite 

You may use the computer to design you poster.

Use  Micro Soft Word or a Power Point slide

You may look back in this web quest for keywords that you want to use.

Your final copy may be printed and we will post them in the library. 


Prove It! Keywords are important Rubric

This is how your work will be evaluated.

Student is able to answer some questions when asked by classmates about the topic

Exceeds Standards

Categories Does not Meet 
Partially Meets Standards Meets Standards Exceeds Standards Score
Comprehension Student is not able to answer questions accurately when asked by classmates about the topic Student is able to answer almost all questions asked by classmates about a topic Student can answer all questions when asked by classmates about a topic  Student is able to answer all of the questions  when asked by classmates about the topic accurately and with explanations



Shows no understanding

of the topic

Shows understanding of parts of the topic Shows a good understanding of the topic Shows a full understanding of the topic
Stays on Topic Stays on topic (71% -0%) of the time Stays on topic(80% - 71%) of the time. Stays on topic most(90% -81%) of the time Stays on topic all(100% -91%)of the time
Completes the Task Does not complete task Completes some of the tasks in the allotted time

Completes the task in time allotted


Completes the task in time allotted along with other related activities

You did it! You solved the mystery of facts and opinions!