Science Fiction Literature: Journey through the unknown!


The following Webquest is going to deal with the great, and quite famous nowadays, Science Fiction literature. But first of all, Do you know what Science Fiction is? that kind of books where we can find spaceships, friendly (or not) robots, and aliens, and time machines with time travels? Stuff like that? That stories are called “Science-fiction”.

Throughout this Webquest we will know two of the most important science-fiction wirters ever, also considered the socalled fathers of this genre: H.G.Wells and Julio Verne. Science fiction litearature has a wide range of enjoyable themeses, many of them used over and over, and subgenres. However, Science Fiction has stepped out of the books it is no more just literature, but also cinema or art. It would be interesting to acquire the knowledge of this exciting genre and learn his main features.


Throughout this webquest, the student will have to help some odd characters... The main science-fiction’s characters in the works of Verne and Wells have become real and they forgot everything about the place they belong to! You should help them to know how was life in the worlds they have come from and what they were supposed to do in them. They look sad and confused, it is the only way to help them. 

The students will be divided in groups and they will be asked to stage a rollplay. There will be two roles: the character of the book with amnesia, and the people who helps him to remember. The students will be organized in groups of 4, each focusing on one of the books (Group of experts). The books selected for this quest are: "Journey to the center of the Earth" by Julio Verne, and "The time machine" by H.G.Wells.

At the end of the task, the student will have to prepare a report with the result of their investigation. 

- Main topic of the book.

- Theme or themes found.

- Settings.

- Principal quest in the book.

- Summary of the book, pointing and connecting the features of Science Fiction literature with the selected books. 

- The Time in the Novel. When the events occur.



The activities would start after the reeding of the books, of course. Once both books have been read, the students will start to  complete the questionaries. In order to make it easier, the class will be divided in four groups, and two of them will be in charge of one book, and the other group will read the other. 

The first session, those students who had the H.G. Wells' book "The time machine" will be the real world people, and the rest of students will act as the character of the book with amnesia. 

The second session will be the opposite of the first one. Those students who read Julio Verne's work "Journey to the center of the Earth" will be the active teachers, and the rest will acquire the roll play of character. 

The thrid session is going to be organized in order to be a "comparative work". Once both groups know the main features of both books, it will start a process of comparation, gathering all the possible similitudes and preparing the draft of "What is Science Fiction?" answer. 

The fourth and last session is the evaluation and the review of the content. The students will be able to identify the main themes, topics and settings of Science Fiction literature. 

It will include trusted websites with the general information about the principal features dealing with science-fiction literature. Futhermore, the students will have to read at least the cited book of Julio Verne or H.G.Wells, for this reason they will need to acquire the book (or download) they’re asked to read.


The calification will be acquiered throughout two questionaries. Both groups wil be required to answer every questions, that is why it is important to listen and pay attention to the expert groups. 

There will be specific questions of "The time machine" and "Journey to the center of the Earth". It will be taken in consideration which book has been read by the group and which hasn't. Justice demands an appropiate evaluation. 


Congratulations! The strange character has suddenly remember what happened and where he belongs to. With your efforts both books will have the chance to finish! The acquisition of this knowledge will be optimal in order to understand the rest of science fiction works. Once the students know the basis of Science Fiction literature, they will be able to recognize every single work pieze of this genre with no doubts. 

Also they will be capable of distinguish between genres like Science fiction and fiction. isnt it great?