Tour of the Midwest


In class, we have been learning about the Midwest and its points of interest. 

In this WebQuest, you will learn about the states in the Midwest region.  You will work  in partners to research a specific state in ther region, and will create a brochure on that state.  The states in the Midwest regions are:

  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
  • Nebraska
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Ohio


In partners, you are going to research a specific state within the Midwest.  You must first find a partner.  Once you have done this, discuss with your partner which state you would like to research.  It would be a smart idea to come up with a backup state in case another partnership chose the same state.  No duplicate states will be allowed within the class!  As soon as you and your partner have decided, come up to Ms. Adams to see if your state is available.

The template for your brochure has been shared to your google docs account.

Once you have completed these steps, you can move onto the process tab to begin your research!


You now need to begin your research on your state.  You will be given today, and two other class periods to conduct your research and create your brochure, so be sure you are working together and staying on task.  Below is a list of things that MUST be included in your brochure:

  • At least three pictures (one of the outline of the state)
  • Information on the state capital
  • Population
  • State flag, state flower, and state bird
  • History of the state
  • Points of interest

Feel free to add any other information you find interesting!

Because you are completing this is partners, it may be a good idea to split up the research.  You are responsible for making this decision and deciding who will research what. 

Below are some good websites to check out for your research.



Below expectations


Meets expectations


exceeds expectations


Work collaboratively Partners do not work well together to complete assignment Partners work together to complete assignment Partners work well together and fairly split up work to complete assignment
Visually appealing Brochure does not include at least three pictures and is not interesting to look at Brochure contains three pictures Brochure contains at least three pictures and is interesting to look at
State capital Little to no information on state capital Information is included on state capital Detailed information is included on the state capital

Not all information on population, state flag, state flower, and state bird is included

Facts about the population, state flag, state flower, and state bird is included

Brochure includes information on population, state flag, state flower, and state bird, as well as other interesting facts


Little to no information on the history of the state is included Information on the state history in included Detailed and well written information about the history of the state is inluded on the brochure

Points of interest

No points of interest are included in the brochure At least two points of interest are dicussed in the brochure More than two points of interest are discussed in the brochure

Congratulations! You have completed the WebQuest activity for the Midwest.  Please print your brochure and hand it in to Ms. Adams.  Thank you for working hard and keep up the good work!