Women's Roles During WWII


Its December 1942 and Pearl Harbour has been bombed by the Japanease. American men have been shipped out overseas to combat while the ladies hold down the fort back home by picking up the jobs that the men left behind like military mechanics, police officers, and factory workers making bombs for the American troops overseas. 

In this Webquest you find website resources to help you in finding out what the roles these ladies stepped up to during the Second World War.


You are to research the roles of women during the Second World War. Use the website resources under "Process" to complete the following task questions:

  • Find out what kind of jobs women took in the city's factories and food and textile industry.
  • Was equal pay among men and women on the job?
  • Look for how many women and girls joined the military during the war and what departments and programs opened up for them.
  • Women's groups were popping up everywhere, especially the military and volunteer services. Name three of these groups and how they began and how they affected the war.
  • Explain the positive and negative affects on women relating to propaganda.

 With the information that you gather choose ONE of the following assessments

1. Poster board collage with atleast FIVE pictures and a paragraph under each explaining the picture. Poster board should be no bigger than 28x40 and must be very colorful and express the 1940's decade. You may pick a partner for this assessment but both students MUST speak during their presentaton of five minutes to the class, which means that both partners must speak for a total of 2 1/2 minutes.

2. Don't like people? Maybe some writing is up your alley. Pick TWO of the research questions at the top and write ONE page summary for each question. That is you will write ONE page for a question and another ONE page for the other. Remember, cite your work!

3. Power Point presentation's are always fun to do. If you choose to do a power point you must have the LEAST six slides with information on them and only THREE pictures. You can not have six slides with pictures on each and two sentences describing each slide, won't work. SIX slides of information + THREE slides of pictures = TEN slides total. Remember, cite your work!


You will graded based on your...

  • Overview of your Report/Power Point/Prezi  presentation (see Rubric handout)
  • Speaking skills (see speaking Rubric)
  • Log Sheet (see Conclusions page)

Name ____________________
Subject ___________________
Date _____________________

WebQuest Questionnaire

1. What did I learn in class today? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What did I learn from todays activity? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Whats the most interesting thing that you read about? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Would you like to learn more about today's lesson?

5. What was the point of today’s lesson?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What connections can I make to previous learning? Is there any connection to something you’ve learned in other classes, this class, perhaps something you thought about? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

modified by KP