Word Work


It is imperative that teachers provide students with regular, meaningful opportunities to use and retain learning of tier 2 vocabulary.


The goal of this webquest is to describe strategies to help teach students vocabulary.


4-Fold Vocabulary

Students fold a sheet of paper into rows of four sections or squares. In the first square, students write a vocabulary word. In the second square, students write the definition for the word. In the third square, students draw an illustration of the word. In the last square, students write the word in a sentence. Students then cut the squares apart and place them in an envelope. Students try to rearrange the squares to match the words with thier meanings, etc. Students can switch envelopes with peers.

Linear Arrays

Two words that are opposites are placed on opposite ends of a line. Students write words that would come "in-between" those words based on their meanings. For example, if the words on the opposite ends were "fat" and "skinny," a student might write chubby or slender in-between the words, based on thier degrees or relation to the opposite words.

Link: www.cobbk12.org


Evaluation of Defintion Search activity:

Students are graded based on the number and percentage of vocabulary words that they correctly identified.

Evaluation of 4-Fold activity:

Element Rate 0-2
Total Score:

Evaluation of Linear Array activity:

Rate students on a 3-point scale for each array based on strength of word choices.


Linear arrays, definition search, and 4-fold vocabulary are three strategies that engage students in the process of vocabulary acquistion.


Vocabulary strategies taken from:


Teacher Page