World-wide Terrestrial Biomes


This webquest is designed to help you explore and learn more about the different biomes that are found on Earth.  Biomes are different regions of the Earth that have similar climates and similar plant and animal life.  This webquest will culminate in a group project that will be presented to the class  


Your task in this webquests is to become familiar with the different biomes and to choose one which you will explore in more detail.

Task 1 - Fill out the spreadsheet on the climates, animals and plants found in each biome and answer some questions. 

Task 2 - Color a world map showing the different biomes around the world.

Task 3 - Complete the Great Graph Match activity

Task 4 - Draw out a Climate Graph on a city found in your chosen biome

Task 5 - Choose two articles and complete the worksheet that goes with the articleT

Task 6 - Complete a group project which will include a poster or PowerPoint and class presentation


Section 1 - Introduction to Biomes

A.  Go to the following websites and check out the different links for the terrestrial biomes 

Using the information that you found on these two websites, fill out the spreadsheet describing the climates, plants, and animals that are found in the different biomes  


B.  Answer the following questions after you have reviewed the websites

    1. Note that each website, while having several of the same biomes, also has several that are different from each other. Explain why this may be.
    2. Look in your textbook and compare the terrestrial biomes on the two websites with the biomes shown in the book. Which ones are the same?  Which ones are different?  
    3. Using the information from the two websites and your book, combine and/or separate the biomes into the world-wide biomes you think should be used.  You should have at least eight biomes, up to twelve biomes

Section 2 - World Map

Pick up a map from the classroom and using the biomes you created above color the world map showing the areas of the different biomes.  Remember to use a key to identify each biome

Section 3 - Climate of Biomes

Each biome has similar climates.  Scientists most often look at the average monthly temperature and average monthly rainfall for the different locations within a biome.  Although these will not be exactly the same generally they show similar trends.  At the website below, The Great Graph Match, you can review the biomes (on the right side of the page) and see graphs that show the average monthly temperatures and rainfall.  Enter the mission, choosing Advanced Users and complete the activity (go for 100%).  Print or save the screen shot to show me you have completed the activity.

Section 4 - Climate Graphs

A.  Most of the time scientists will show both the average monthly temperature and average monthly rainfall on the same graph for the climate graphs of biomes.  You can see examples of these graphs in your textbook and below.  


B.  You will go to the following website to find the data needed to draw a climate graph.  Graph paper is available if needed.

  1. First, choose one of your biomes
  2. Go to the following website and pick a country found in your biome


     3.Then choose one of the cities from that country

4.Using the average temperatures and average rainfall, hand-draw a monthly climate graph for that city.  Remember to include the following information:  

  • The name of the biome
  • Keys identifying the biomes
  • Labeling of the temperature and rainfall including units
  • Title of your graph


Section 5 - Articles

At the back of the classroom there are several articles that are related to biomes.  Choose two of these articles and complete the worksheets that are found in the file with the articles.  Ask your teacher is you have questions about what to do!

Section 6 - Collaborative Project

Working with one or two other students sign up for a biome as listed in the textbook.  Using the information that you have gathered from this webquest and from other sources that you will cite, you will create a poster or PowerPoint on your chosen biome.  

The poster or PowerPoint will need to include

  • map of your biome
  • information on the typical plants and animals found in the biome
  • information on climate (soil type, rainfall, temperatures, etc)
  • pictures of typical plants and animals
  • climate graph of a city found in your biome (this graph must also be hand-drawn)
  • cited resources

Your group will present your poster or PowerPoint presentation to the class



Section 1 - Spreadsheet







12 pts

Complete & correct

9 pts

Partially complete and correct

6 pts

Partially complete and partially correct

3 pt

Incomplete and partially correct

0 pts

Incomplete and incorrect


Section 1 – Questions Answered







8 pts

Answered completely and correctly

6 pts

Partially answered and correct

4 pts

Partially answered and partially correct

2 pt

Answered incompletely and incorrectly

0 pts

Not answered


Section 2 – World Map







12 pts

Colored completely and neatly; key is complete

9 pts

Colored completely, not neatly; key is complete

6 pts

Colored partially and neatly; key is incomplete

3 pts

Colored partially and not neatly; key is incomplete

0 pts

Not colored; key is incomplete or missing


Section 3 – The Great Graph Match







7 pts

Correctly identified all biomes

6 pts

Correctly identified 6 biomes

5 pts

Correctly identified 5 biomes

4 pts

Correctly identified 4 biomes

3 pts

Correctly identified 3 biomes


Section 4 – Climate Graph







12 pts

Hand-drawn, neat, instructions followed correctly

9 pts

Hand-drawn, sloppy, instructions not followed correctly

6 pts

Not hand-drawn, instructions followed correctly

3 pts

Not hand-drawn, instructions not followed correctly

0 pts

Climate graph not completed


Section 5 – Collaborative Project







20 pts

All elements included and correctly done; neat

15 pts

All elements included and correctly done; sloppy

10 pts

All elements included, not correctly done; neat

5 pts

Not all elements included; not correctly; sloppy

0 pts

Not completed


Section 5 - Collaboration







8 pts

All members participated equally and put forth effort

6 pts

All members participated equally, but did not put forth effort

4 pts

Not all members participated equally; put forth effort

2 pts

Not all members participated equally; did not put forth effort

0 pts

Members did not participate or put forth effort



Environmental Science Biomes -

Blue Planet Biomes -

The Great Graph Match (NASA) -

Climate Graph Example - 

Travel Weather Averages -

Teacher Page

This webquest was developed for high-school Biology students.  I hope this gives you some ideas or is helpful in your class.  Grace Gratias