The world of cells


Different cells play different rolls in living things and are researched about everyday. For instance how Schwann cells are affected in multiple sclerosis patients, cell roles preventing the stomach from digesting itself, how frog eggs are being used in research involving human cells, and how fat cells may be able to help people with spinal cord injuries. This WebQuest will help you get a better understanding of the cell world. 


In this WebQuests we will be talking about the research involving different cell types, how scientists study diverse scientific topics, and the roles that different cells play in human bodies. 


1. What do researchers think is one cause of memory impairment related to growing older? What does new research show that may be able to help reverse this process?

One cause of memory impairment related to growing older may be medication side effects, depression, sleep deprivation, smoking, and other causes. Treatment can help reverse or improve some causes, like medication side effects and depression.


2. How might fat cells be able to help people with spinal cord injuries?

Once people get a spinal cord injury it is extremely hard to get the cells to grow on their own. One way to help people with spinal cord injuries by using fat cells is to take some of the person's own fat and once you treat it you put it back in.


3. How are frog eggs being used in research involving human cells?

Frog eggs that are immature can reconstruct human cells that are in adulthood. Frog cells are basically adult cells. It creates a molecule which basically would help convert protein.


4. What are Schwann cells? How are they affected in multiple sclerosis patients?

A schwann cell is a type of glial cell in the nervous system that helps separate and insulate nerve cells. When there is an absence of schwann cells that can lead to the degeneration of neurons and that is related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


5. What role do cells play in preventing the stomach from digesting itself?

The reason the stomach doesn't digest itself is because it is lined with epithial cells and those cells produce mucus. This forms a barrier that is in between the stomach and its contents.




What are the Causes of Memory Loss & How is it Treated?


In conclusion, different cells play different rolls in living things and are researched about everyday. For instance how Schwann cells are affected in multiple sclerosis, cell roles preventing the stomach from digesting itself, how frog eggs are being used in research involving human cells, and how fat cells may be able to help people with spinal cord injuries. Cells are being researched everyday and cells play many roles in our bodies that help us survive.
