1st Grade Math


We are going to learn how to count from 1-100. Everyone stand up and dance until you count to 100!


Addition can be super fun and be taught in super fun ways. We will be using Cheerios to make a crown for each and everyone one of you! Everyone is to count from 1 to 100 with your Cheerios given. Once you do that we will glue the Cheerios to your crown and so be unique. 


Once you get all 100 Cheerios you will take your strips of paper to measure your head then staple the papers together. Then, you will start glueing your 100 Cheerios in whatever pattern you would like onto your paper. 


I will go around the class and watch each student to make sure they do not get stuck on a number and if I do I will gladly help them. 


The point of this activity is so the students are having a fun way to count. Instead of using pencil and paper all the time I try to spice up our classroom by Doug fun actualities for the students. This is a great way for them to talk to others and help their peers out, if needed. 


This is the site that I got my picture of Cheerios from. 

Teacher Page

Hello! I am so glad you found my webquest. This webquest was created to show how we did a class activity. I decided to have my students count with Cheerios and make a crown so they can wear it on their heads!