Adding One More


Adding One More!

This lesson is for kindergarten math! Time frame: 35 minutes

We will begin this lesson by reviewing our numbers. Ready? Lets begin! 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! 

Let's go over some new vocabulary words, too! 

Addition- the idea of putting two things together to make one.

Add- to join two things together

Join- to connect or put together. 

Total- the total , the answer of everything put together

Plus-that act of joining, adding, combining. 

Now let's watch this video!  

Alrighty! So as you can guess, today our lesson will be over adding one more!  


Imagine you have one ball. Now if you add another how many do you have? This equation would be 1+1=__. 1 ball plus one more ball equals how many balls? 

The answer to this is 2! 

This is an example of an addition problem. 

Let's try another. 

So now we have 2 balls! 

Then your best friend gives you 1 more ball. How many do you have now? 

2 balls plus 1 more  = ____

The answer is..






Now you have 3 balls!

Way to go! You did it. 




Alrighty now lets move on. 

I am going to give you a few problems to try on your own. 

It may be hard because you do not have the objects in front of you so I included this website.

It is best to test this out before trying that way you know how to use it. Keep both this tab and the other one open. You can switch back and forth between the two. 

Ready? Lets begin. 

1. 1 block + 1 block = ______



2. 2 blocks + 1 block =_____



3. 5 blocks + 1 block =_______




These are the answers to the problems. 

1. 2 blocks

2. 3 blocks

3. 6 blocks 


Sweet! Glad you made it this far in the lesson. 

Now let's fill out this rubric. By doing this, this helps me determine how well you understood the lesson. 

Self Assessment    
I did not understand the lesson.           1        
I understood the lesson but need more practice.           2
 I completely understood the lesson and am ready for a test!           3




Yay! We have finished this lesson. Now you know all about adding one more. We also know what add, joining, and equals mean. 

Way to Go! 

Here is another website to further help you.

You can go back and use the other website or use the one above. 

I encourage you to keep practicing on your own. See how far you can add one more!





This website was created by Lindsey Falcon. 

Special thanks to this website----->


Teacher Page

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email me.