Back to the past!



This is an introduction to the task you should fulfill during the week. 

You're going to study "Third Conditional". Then, you will have some online material for practice. 

At the end of this week, 

  1. Students will be able to criticize an action in the past.
  2. Students will be able to express their inferences from the results of events in the past,
  3. Students will be able to perform a roleplay based on the use of "Third Conditional". 

For this week, your responsibilities are

  • to revise what we have covered in the class by means of online webpages (provided in the process section),
  • to practice provided material (in the process section),
  • to study a reading text about Titanic,
  • and finally, to get ready a role-play to be done in the upcoming week.

To see the instructions, go "Process" please. 


Let's get started!

(1) Go to the link so that you can revise "Third Conditional". It is quite a clear and concise explanation for you :)


(2) Now, it is time to practice! Go to the link, and do the exercises there. Note: You can check your answers through the second link.

(2.1) Answer key link:


(3) After you refresh your knowledge through examples, it is time to read a text about "Titanic". Note: You are expected to read "Reading Comprehension" section on the second page of the document.


(4) After you read the text, you are expected to study your roles (according to the list we arranged in the class). You need to defeat your position because others will criticize your point of view, mistakes, and decisions. Similarly, you will also need to criticize the attitude of the others by using "Third Conditional". 

For instance, you can criticize the captain of Titanic by saying "You should not have set out on freezing weather. It was quite risky."


(5) While being prepared for your role plays, you can note down your ideas, possible statements and so on.
You are going to use them on the day of role-playing.  


Here is the evaluation rubric for your roleplay:


Now that you have mastered "Third Conditional" online, get ready for the roleplay!

Best Wishes,


(n.d.). Retrieved from… (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2019].
Third conditional. (n.d.). Retrieved from…