Basic Speaking For Daily Life



This lesson is for 1st-semester college students majoring in English and English Literature. The topics covered in this course are about speaking and listening which is common in daily life conversation. Speaking skills hold an essential place of value, also buildability in communication skills. The skills involved oral production and interaction in social lives, expressing ideas and opinions accurately and coherently.



  1. Together with a partner, make a dialogue about buying and selling transactions at the market.

  2. Make a conversation which talks about your daily routine.

  3. Make a conversation which talks about your past activities (what you did last weekend or last week).

  4. Make a dialogue about each of your dreams with your partner (your plans for the future)

Don’t forget to record it using video recording.


Process 1

Because all tasks are about dialogue and conversation, find a friend that you want to make as a partner. Then, discuss what topics you want to use in your dialogue and conversation.

Process 2

Speaking skills is the most important to learn, communication skill is calculated by how language learners perform and how well they can speak. Read the coursebook entitled “English for English Speakers” to provide your theoretical understanding at this link below:

Process 3

English vocabulary will enhance your communication level effectively and confidently, vocabulary is all about words that are influential to make a sentence. Learn vocabulary to help you construct sentences in your dialogues at this link: 

Process 4

Use also tenses following the task (present tense, past tense and future tense). Tenses form is an essential part of English, with tenses you can make a sentence with proper structure. Please learn about tenses at this link: 

Process 5

Following the existing dialogue examples in the coursebook, make your dialogue according to the topic. Pronunciation is highly rated in speaking skills, that is the way to say every word correctly. To show examples of pronunciation and conversations in daily life, please watch the YouTube video:

Learning English Pronunciation: 

Example of conversations:

Conversation at the market: 

Daily routine conversation: 

Past tense conversation: 

Future plans conversation: 










Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most audiences.

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Include 1-2 words that might be new to most audiences, but do not define them.

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience.

Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are not understood by the audience.

Unable to speak.



Shows a full understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of a part of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic well.

Unable to speak.



Use proper grammar according to usage. No grammar mistake.

Use proper grammar according to usage. But a few grammar mistakes.

Grammatical errors led to many minor difficulties. Or many grammar mistakes.

Grammatical errors severely hampered communication.

Unable to speak.


Speaks Clearly

Speaks clearly and distinctly all (95-100%) the time, and mispronounces no words.

Speaks clearly and distinctly all (95-100%) the time, but mispronounces several words.

Speaks clearly and distinctly most (85-94%) of the time. Misprounces many words.

Often mumbles or can not be understood or mispronounces almost all words.

Unable to speak.


Total points




This lesson contains material and tasks specifically aimed at training and improving students' abilities, especially speaking skills. Also, increase listening comprehension with new vocabulary with structured grammatical. Students are expected to be able to memorize the vocabulary that has been learned and apply it in daily life, and able to communicate fluently in real-life situations.

Teacher Page

Topic: Basic Speaking For Daily Life

Description: This WebQuest contains coursebooks and tasks that are specifically aimed at training and improving students' abilities, especially speaking skills, students will be provided with materials related to everyday life.

Grade Level: 1st-semester college student/adult

Curriculum: Foreign Language

Keyword: Speaking, Listening