Bush Fire Response Brochure


We have been learning about the Australian environment and how bushfires can effect the landscape, animals and people. 

It is important to know about what to do if a bushfire occurs near us. This can happen to people even if we live in urban areas. 


Using your prior knowledge, recent research and the books and weblinks available, you will make a double sided brochure about what you and your family need to do in case of a bushfire. 

In your brochure you will need to include information about 

  • what to take when you leave your home
  • where to go and the safest path
  • how you will know, radio?, email?, app?, website?  - are there others? 
  • and what to leave behind.

During class you will have become familiar with the features of an information brochure. 

Using the headings discussed and identified in class to research for collecting notes. 

Then you are ready to draft your brochure. 

Once you have proof read your information for clarity of message, correct spelling and punctuation you may start your final copy. 

Remember there are no excuses for misspelt words or wrong information. 

Here are some links to get you started. 

Remember to acknowledge the sources of your information. The name of the website will be enough. 


Fire Danger Ratings and meanings 


Check out the current known fires and their status


Survival Kit ideas




Double check your information for accuracy. As you are now preparing an information brochure that contains very important details - it needs to be as accurate as possible. 



Once you have collected your information and arranged it under the headings, you can draft your first copy. 

Take care with spelling, acknowledging your sources of information and the accuracy of your information. 

Now go and learn how to make safe choices if you ever come across a fire in your neighbourhood. 
