

A private car is a convenient way for travel from one place to another . Nowadays, a lot of family need a car for simplifying their life. Car demand have raising more and more in car trading market for many years ago. So, we want to know among a year, which month is car selling rank is highest and which month is lowest in 4 years ago.


Read and analysis information, find the highest selling rank and lowest selling rank in each year in each year. Make into comparison chart with Microsoft Excel.


A. Read the information about car selling rank in 2014 - 2017

Car selling rank in 2014

Car selling rank in 2015

Car selling rank in 2016

Car selling rank in 2017

B. Analyse and comparison from the information  

C.Use Microsoft Excel for create a bar chart to compare the highest and lowest selling rank in each year




Children can use Microsoft Excel for make a comparison chart of car selling rank in 2014-2017 and analysis information from website.
