Color Theory


Designed by Ashley Smith

Webquest for a 7th grade classroom

You are an artist trying to pick the perfect colors for your newest composition. You know that colors are an important selection with which you can create a certain mood or feeling. Colors can change the whole atmosphere of the piece. By selecting the right color scheme, you can develop a very successful composition. Color can be the most powerful design element if you learn to use it correctly.


Your task is to complete the following Color Theory Webquest to gain a better understanding on color theory

1. Correctly mix colors to create a color wheel
2. Recognize the different color relationships and types
3. Describe the characteristics of warm and cool colors


1. Correctly mix colors to create a color wheel

Watch the first three and a half minutes of the video below. 

Use any medium of choice to make a simple color wheel that includes primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. 

Your wheel should look similar to the image below


2. Recognize the different color relationships and types

Go to the link below to find a color theory reference sheet

List the 5 color types

1    ______________

2    ______________

3    ______________

4    ______________

5    ______________

List the 6 color relationships

1   _______________

2   _______________

3   _______________

4   _______________

5   _______________

6   _______________


Practice these by using the color calculator below!

3. Describe the characteristics of warm and cool colors

Lastly, read the article below title Understanding Warm and Cool Colors

(Give extra attention to the chart that is title Warm vs. Cool colors)

After reading the article explain how you could use one characteristic of warm colors in a composition to help with the atmosphere of the piece. Do the same for cool colors. 



Objective 1: Each student can correctly mix colors to create a color wheel

Beginning                Developing                  Accomplished

Objective 2: Recognize the different color relationships and types

Beginning                Developing                  Accomplished

Objective 3: Describe the characteristics of warm and cool colors

Beginning                Developing                  Accomplished


With the basic knowledge you have developed about colors and color schemes, you’re prepared to make effective decisions as an artist. You now understand that your decision of color choice effects the emotions and atmosphere of your artwork. Not to mention you now know how to mix the colors that you may want and you can make connections between colors via the color wheel. Not only can knowledge of color theory develop your skills, it can also help you better understand the impact of color.

Teacher Page

Miss Smith

Art Teacher in Training