Covid-19 and Human Rights


Dear classmates, welcome to this virtual space, here you will find informatión that will help you to develop the tasks. our principal topic is COVID 19 and human rights, we want to analyze as theses both theme are motives the reflection worldwide. 

We can´t think that these themes are isolated our reality, now all are vulnerable for COVID 19 and Violation of our human rights, caused by the symptoms and conditions generated by the spread of this pandemic.







Task  1. 

Shared on this padlet your thoughts about what is Coronavirus, and how you and your family have been affected by this brand new situation:


Task 2 

According to the video seen from the introduction get into this padlet link: Write and share news about Colombian citizens who been affected by Coronavirus and the decisions made by the government.


Task 3 

Belong you will find a video about human rights and then an article about “human rights dimensions of COVID 19 responses”, watch it and share your answers through our videocall space Teams. 


  • What are basic human rights? 

  • What human rights should be prioritized with the COVID 19 pandemic?

  • Should be there a right to access the internet?  


The following article provides a perspective on human rights in the middle of COVID 19 Pandemic:

  • How can a pandemic like the one of we are living today affect human rights?


Task 4 

Amnesty International created a campaign to communicate different situations that happen around the world related to the responses that countries give to COVID 19:

  • In groups of 3 or 4 persons,  we invite you to review some of that news 

  • Select a country different to Colombia that catches your attention and investigate, how the human rights have been affected there by the pandemic

  • Organize what the group found through a comparative table, where you contrast how human rights have been affected in Colombia and what you found from another country 

  • Share the results of your research in the following padlet:  

  1.  The teacher presents a video
  2.  The teacher gives a link padlet where the students can share individually what the coronavirus is for them and how it has affected the dynamics in their family. 
  3. The students look for some news related to the responses that their country has given to the virus
  4.  The teacher presents information about human rights and some questions about the impressions this has made
  5. The students in groups of 3 or 4 create a comparative chart between the responses Colombia and another country is giving to COVID 19, taking into account human rights.









The student can understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, specifications for familiar products and services.

The student can understand recordings in standard dialect likely to be encountered in social, professional or academic life and identify speaker viewpoints and attitudes as well as the information content.

The Student can follow the essentials of lectures, talks and reports and other forms of academic/professional presentation which are propositionally and linguistically complex.

The student Can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.

Presents no comprehension



The student demonstrates full knowledge by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration

The student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, without elaboration.

The student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. 

The student does not have a grasp of information; students cannot answer questions about the subject. 

Had no knowledge of the topic 


Student presents information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow

Student presents information in a logical sequence which audience can follow.

The audience has difficulty following the presentation because the student jumps around. 

The audience cannot understand the presentation because there is no sequence of information. 

Work does not have a defined organization


Student presents the work clearly and neatly within the time limits and with attention to detail

Student presents the work clearly with some issues in the presentation or over an exceptional amount of time

The student has issues with presenting work clearly or neatly and has submitted the assignment late

Student submits a sloppy assignment with little attention to detail and well beyond the time limits that are available

Presents no work 

 Effectively communicate taking account multiculturalism and plurilingual concepts 

Effectively identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions in a variety of conditions

Effectively identify and ask significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to a better solution

Asks questions with the purpose of reaching a better solution, but fails to consider other points of view

Does not attempt to make inquiries to understand other points of view for the purpose of reaching a better solution

Does not take into account other points of view when facing a situation