COVID-19 Commemorative Coins


Is the White House selling COVID-19 Commemorative Coins?


Determine the answers to the following questions:

Where did the article about COVID-19 Commemorative coins originate on social media? Do you think that the government would actually release a coin celebrating a pandemic? Please use KHOU's VERIFY segment of their site, or Politifact to verify this information. How do you think it got started? Do you know the process for the government to mint new coins? Create a brief summary of your findings. Remember to use AP style.

  • Review the article on
  • Review other sources regarding COVID-19 and government spending
  • Visit snopes or Politifact to determine the source of the social media article
  • Check the sources within the article to locate fake news

You will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. Quality of article summary
  2. Citation of sources
  3. Review of article using the steps outlined above

Students will learn the importance of reviewing news sources for accuracy before accepting them as truth. Students will also exercise and enhance their sleuth and journalistic skills through this assignment.


Credits listed in the introduction.

Teacher Page

Webquest completed by Mr. Andre Bailey.