Curriculum Foundation


Good day class, welcome to curriculum development. Our topic for today is all about Curriculum Foundation. In this subject we will having an exhibit about the people who contribute to the development of curriculum, but before that lets know first what is curriculum foundation?

According to Aweke Shishigu, 2015. Foundation are the forces that influence the minds of curriculum developers, which affect the content and structure of the curriculum. These forces are beliefs and orientation as well as conceptions of learning and the needs of society.

Foundations of a curriculum

The four major foundation of curriculum are;

  1. Philosophical Foundation                                                 
  2. Historical Foundation
  3. Psychological Foundation
  4. Social Foundation

You will be exhibit the life and works of the people who contribute to the the development of curriculum.

Click the link bellow to get some information of the four major foundation of the curriculum and some people who contribute their work for the development of the curriculum. 

 The link bellow for some people who contribute to the curriculum development


 Four major Foundation of curriculum




You will be work as a group with three member per group. Each member of the group has their own role. First member will find the information. Second member will prepare the gather information and the third member will be the one to present their work. Every group will present three people who contributed to the development of the curriculum.

Step 1: Use the guide bellow to find information.

  1. Name:
  2. Birth place and date:
  3. Family Information
  4. Educational background:
  5. His/her major work that contribute to the curriculum development.
  6. How his/her work contribute to the development of curriculum

Step 2: Use internet, books and other resources that will help you to find information.The Foundation of Curriculum Development in Online Programs

Step 3: Present the information that you gathered to your group and discuss it.

Step 4: After the discussion within your group finalize the information.

Step 5: Present you work in the class within 10 minutes. 

Criteria Very Good (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Need Improvements (2)
PRESENTATION Speaker used logical, ethical, and emotional appeals that enhanced a specific tone and purpose.Overall presentation was creative and exciting. Main ideas were separated into logical progression.Speaker appeared to believe strongly in message and demonstrated desire to have audience listen, understand, and remember. Main ideas were not separated into logical progression. Speaker presented the message without conviction. The volume is very low. Pronunciation and enunciation are very unclear. The speaker appears uninterested. 40 %
CONTENT The speaker demonstrates full knowledge with explanations and elaboration. The speaker is good with the content, but fails to elaborate. The speaker includes some irrelevant content. The speaker wanders off the topic. The speaker uses words and concepts which are inappropriate for the knowledge and experiences of the listener. The speaker says practically nothing. The speaker focuses primarily on irrelevant content. 20 %
CREATIVITY Very original presentation of material; captures the audience attention. Rich, concrete,unusual ideas and design(pictures,drawings, charts, etc). Some originality apparent; good variety and blending of websites info and design. Little or no variation; material presented with little originality or interpretation. Design is poor.  No visuality at all. 20%
LENGTH OF THE PRESENTATION Good timings of the allotted time. Within five minutes of the allotted time. Doesn't meet the time requirements. Too long or too short; ten or more minutes above the allotted time. 20%

Total score


In this web quest activity you have learned a lot about the four major foundation of the curriculum. Also you have searching information about the people who contributed to the development of curriculum. Finally you have now a knowledge about the importance of the four major foundation of the curriculum and how the works of different people help in the curriculum development.   
