Eat Healthy, Be Healthy


The benefits of healthy eating add up over time, bite by bite. Small changes matter! 

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean proteins is the key to healthy nutrition. Choosing meals that follow the MyPlate outline will ensure you are consuming the proper nutrients in the proper amount.

The USDA recommends eating all of your meals every day according to the MyPlate portions. However, expecting eating patterns to change from one extreme to another is unrealistic. It takes time to change behaviors and establish habits. 


What are some of the areas that YOU can begin focusing on to begin making these changes?

1. Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan

Choose a healthy eating pattern to help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, support nutrient adequacy, and reduce the risk of chronic disease

2. Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount - To meet nutrient needs within calorie limits, choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods across and within all food groups in recommended amounts. 

3. Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake

Consume an eating pattern low in added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.

Cut back on foods and beverages higher in these components to amounts that fit within healthy eating patterns.

4. Shift to healthier food and beverage choices

Choose nutrient-dense foods and beverages across and within all food groups in place of less healthy choices.

Consider cultural and personal preferences to make these shifts easier to accomplish and maintain.

5. Support healthy eating patterns for all

Everyone has a role in helping to create and support healthy eating patterns in multiple settings nationwide, from home to school to work to communities. 

So what exactly should we eat? I'm glad you asked :) 



Are you making every bite count? Take the 2-3 minute quiz below to find out!

Based off your individualized quiz results, you have been provided nutritional resources to maximize incorporating nutrient dense foods into your current eating habits. 


Reflect on commonly consumed meals in your diet. Please choose FIVE frequently eaten meals or snacks and create five individual EAT THIS vs LIMIT THAT slides using any digital platform of choice to make healthy adjustments to the meal according to MyPlate recommendations. 

(Example: EAT THIS: *Whole wheat bun, burger patty, salad with grated cheese* ; LIMIT THAT: *McDonald's Big Mac Meal*)

Platform Examples:

  • Google Slides
  • PowerPoint
  • Canva

Visualization Examples:

  • Personal photography
  • Emojis
  • Internet photos,



Student Will:

  1. Take MyPlate quiz.
  2. Reflect on five frequently consumed meals and snacks to make appropriate adjustments to meet guidelines.
  3. Create visualization of current and updated meals using platform of choice and visualization tools of choice.
  4. Submit the five slides to 'Eat This vs Limit Nutrition' folder on Infinite Campus by September 30, 2022. 





0 Quiz

Quiz completed with verification of competition status

Quiz and completion status documentation partially completed

Quiz completed with no completion documentation submitted

Quiz not completed

Nutritional Content

Five individual slides represent an adjusted meal example following the template

Three to four slides represent an adjusted meal example but do not follow the template

One to four slides represent an adjusted meal example but do not follow the template

No slide represents an adjusted meal example following the template


Five individual slides represent a frequently consumed meal with a meal adjustment with template modifications on the same slide

Three to four slides represent a frequently consumed meal with a meal adjustment with template modifications on the same slide

One to four slides represent a frequently consumed meal with a meal adjustment with template modifications on the same slide

No slides represent a frequently consumed meal with a meal adjustment with template modifications on the same slide


Great Job, Students!

You have just set your self up for success FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE by beginning to plan healthy, easy meals to aid in your overall life quality. 

Next step: Implement your planned meal adjustments by EATING THEM! 
