

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.

In this WebQuest, we will go on a journey through the world wide web to find the definitions of common and archaic words, and try to understand where they came from and how they have changed throughout the ages.

Let's begin!


English is a language that evolved from the Anglo-Saxon language, a west Germanic variety. It also has a lot of Latin inspiration and borrows a lot from the French language. Over the years and with the growth of globalization, English began to appropriate words from many languages around the world.

Below are a list of words, and together, we will explore the history and origins of them.

First, begin by defining the term. After reading the definition in a dictionary, try to put it into your own words.
Then, use your online investigation skills to find possible origins for the word.
Finally, in your own words, explain the possible origin(s) of the term.

  • Sandwich

  • Shampoo

  • Assassin

  • Checkmate

  • Robot


To find the definitions of the above words, make use of the Longman Dictionary.
In order to gain a deeper understanding of the origins of the word, make use of the Online Etymology Dictionary.

Avoid using websites such as Wikipedia or Urban Dictionary as they are not always well moderated and may contain false or unverifiable information.
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Detail (did they simply resort to the given resources or did they take the initiative to find more)
  • Peer Feedback

Share your answers with your peers.

Perhaps they found some interesting information that you missed or maybe they even got an entirely different answer altogether!