
Rice farmers continue to experience losses due to stem borers. However, the information on farmers' knowledge and perceptions of rice stem borers is limited and farmers' efforts on managing this insect have been ineffective.

As a chemist, the farmers consulted you to help them solve their problem. 


Your task as a chemist is to  investigate and explore the wasp world in order to solve the stem borer problems of the farmers. 

You should come up with an innovative strategy and technique and present it to the farmers.


You plan to collaborate with other chemists, so as a group of chemists, you need to gather information about treatments or solutions of the farmers' problem but also consider on not harming the environment. 

You can check out the links below:




Your output will be evaluated using the rubric below: (Assuming that you are presenting the solution to the farmers)






Information Gathering

Accurate information taken from several sources in a systematic manner.

Accurate information taken from a couple of sources in a systematic manner.

Accurate information taken from a couple of sources but not systematically.

Information taken from only one source and/or information not accurate.


Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for all components.

Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for most components.

Plan provides clear measurements and labeling for most components.

Plan does not show measurements clearly or is otherwise inadequately labeled.

Scientific Knowledge

Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.

Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.

Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.

Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.

Data Collection

Data taken several times in a careful, reliable manner.

Data taken twice in a careful, reliable manner.

Data taken once in a careful, reliable manner.

Data not taken carefully OR not taken in a reliable manner.

Journal/Log - Content

Journal provides a complete record of planning, construction, testing, modifications, reasons for modifications, and some reflection about the strategies used and the results.

Journal provides a complete record of planning, construction, testing, modifications, and reasons for modifications.

Journal provides quite a bit of detail about planning, construction, testing, modifications, and reasons for modifications.

Journal provides very little detail about several aspects of the planning, construction, and testing process.


Structure functions extraordinarily well, holding up under atypical stresses.

Structure functions well, holding up under typical stresses.

Structure functions pretty well, but deteriorates under typical stresses.

Fatal flaws in function with complete failure under typical stresses.


Clear evidence of troubleshooting, testing, and refinements based on data or scientific principles.

Clear evidence of troubleshooting, testing and refinements.

Some evidence of troubleshooting, testing and refinements.

Little evidence of troubleshooting, testing or refinement.



Humans as we are, we are constantly looking for creative ways to solve problems.

In this webquest, your task was to act as a chemist and create an environmentally-friendly pest management to help the farmers on their problems with stem borers. You had a big responsibility in innovating solutions but still not harming the environment.

Exploring the Wasp World is learning and appreciating the natural predators in this world. Indeed, God designed this world and the inhabitants here in amazing ways beyond our perception. 


- Youtube.com for the links