Extensive and Intensive Properties


Hi my name is Joanisha Keelen and I am sharing with you my knowledge about extensive and intensive properties.


                 THEIR DEFINITION

Extensive Propertiesa physical property that depends on the amount of matter present.

Intensive Properties: a physical property that does not depend on the amount of substance present.


                     MY DEFINITION

Extensive Properties: properties of matter that will vary depending on the amount of matter.

Intensive Properties: properties of matter that do not change when you vary the amount of matter.


Examples of Extensive Properties

  1. Volume
  2. Mass
  3. Size
  4. Weight
  5. Length

Examples of Intensive Properties:

  1. Color 
  2. Pressure
  3. Melting and boiling point 
  4. Concentration
  5. Density

Thats my knowledge of Extensive and Intensive Properties.


Credits to Joanisha Keelen's brain.