Famous Hungarians


Now, we're going to be working on profiles of some well-known people from Hungary.

Again, in your groups, you need to go to the tab "Task", and following the links, present information about these famous Hungarian people. Now answer these questions

- Basic information (When were they born? Where did they study? Are they still alive? What was/ is their job?)

- Do you think these people will still be remembered in the future? Why/why not?

- These people are Hungarians who are well known in the rest of the world. Are they still important in Hungary? Why/Why not?

- Imagine what it was like to live a day in the life of one of these famous people.


Once you've finished finding information for your group, you're going to do another short presentation in front of the class. Each member of your group is going to present different information:

  • As are going to tell us whether these people are still famous in Hungary, and why/why not. Why are they famous in the rest of the world?

  • Bs are going to tell us about the Basic Information (When were they born? Where did they study? Are they still alive? What was/ is their job?)

  • Cs are going to tell whether they think these people will still be remembered in the future. Why/why not?

  • Ds and Es are going to imagine what it was like to live a day in the life of one of these famous people.