Figurative Language Webquest


In this webquest you will learn about different types of figurative language. 


 You will use outside resources to create a figurative language booklet that you will be responsible for sharing with another person. You will then turn it in for a grade. 


Your individual tasks include:

1. Create a booklet with the resources that your teacher has given you. It should be titled "Figurative Language", by your name.

2. A Table of Contents needs to be included at the front of your booklet.

3. Please make sure you use different colors and that it is neat and attractive. :)

4. Each page must include a title of the figurative language

5. You need to include a definition (in your OWN words) 

AND an EXAMPLE of each figurative language. *The example should be more than one sentence and should thoroughly explain the type of figurative language.

6. Draw a sketch or picture to help explain the figurative language for each page.

7. Include COLOR!


What is figurative language anyways?!

Figurative language is a language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. When a writer uses literal language, he or she is simply stating the facts as they are.

There are 7 types of Figurative languages that we will focus on. 

They include:

  • Metaphors

  • Dialogue

  • Simile

  • Hyperbole

  • Symbolism

  • idioms

  • Personification

Use these websites to help you find your information.

What is a metaphor? Metaphor Examples
What is Dialogue?  Dialogue Examples
What is a simile? Simile Examples
What is a hyperbole? Hyperbole Examples
What is symbolism? Symbolism Example
What are idioms? Idioms Example
What is Personification Personification Examples


Rubric 10 20 30
Neatness Everything is written in pencil only. There are no sketches, the title page is bare. Some of the work has color but is missing information/ the information is hard to find. All pages have color and the information is clear and easy to read.
Quality There are words on each page, but the information is incorrect The information is partially correct. All of the information is correct and accurate.
Amount of work There is only one piece of information on the page There are at least two pieces of information on the pages, but no sketch. Each page has the correct amount of information on the page (definition, example, and sketch)

Title Page and Table of Contents: 10 Points! Make it nice and neat! 


You have now completed your figurative language webquest and should be an expert by now!


Switch with a partner and compare your booklet to their booklet.