Food around the globe


Have you ever wondered what it is like to live in a different country? One thing that is common among the world is food.

We all need to eat in order to survive. Foods around the world may vary a lot. Are you ready to explore and try different foods? Well, get ready, because we are going on a trip! We are going to learn about different traditional foods, when meals are eaten and a lot more.

So are you ready? Get your bags packed because we are going on an adventure.


Go on a trip to either ....


1) India

2) Chile

3) Philippines

4) Guatemala

5) Iran

6) or Tanzania. 


! Each country should only appear once in class, so talk to your classmates and agree on which group takes which country.


While in this country you are going to need find out 

1. What food is common?

2. When are meal times / how many meals are eaten a day? Where is it eaten?

3. What foods are eaten on special occasions? Where is it eaten?

4. Choose your favourite recipe and present it.



Step 1: Choose your groups (max. 4 pupils per group). Each group chooses a country  and explores the different foods that are eaten there. 

Step 2: Go to the credit's page. There you are going to find a website giving information about your country.  Find pictures that go along with your answers to the questions.  

Step 3: Prepare a shared Power Point Presentation. Each one of you should contribute to your ppp. Give information on each question. Pay attention to the structure of your power point (number of bullet points on slide, use of pictures).

Step 4: The ppps are shared via Email. Evaluate one presentation of your classmates. Choose the one that you like best and say why.




13-15 points-- All information is correct. Presentation has no spelling or grammar errors. It is creative and colorful.Rules for ppp are followed.

11-13 points -- All information is correct. Presentation has some spelling or grammatical errors. It is creative and colorful.Rules for ppp are

followed for the most part.

9-11 points -- Most information is correct. Presentation has some spelling or grammatical errors. Rules for ppp are roughly followed.

7-9 points -- Most information is correct. Presentation has lots of spelling or grammatical errors. Rules for ppp are partly ignored.

3-7 points -- Some information is correct. Presentation has lots of spelling or grammatical errors. Rules for ppp are ignored.

0-3 points -- Students did not complete their presentation.


Concluding this project, all of you will have taken part in multiculural education achieved by doing research on different countries, understanding the different cultures and how and what they eat. The class will have learned what different types of food are eaten, when meal times are, which food is eaten on special occasions, and what the resturants are like. 
