Homophone Pirate Quest


Do you know what a Homophone is? 

Homophones are very similar in hearing, but not in spelling. Let's see if you're good at telling the difference, or if your mind plays tricks on you too.

Homophone; words that sound the same but are spelled differently and also have different meanings. One good example is this sentence. "Let's see if you're good at telling the difference, or if your mind plays tricks on you too.

You're = You are

Your = something you have possession of.

It is okay if it is not familiar right now, but by the end of this WebQuest, you will be able to tell the difference and never be tricked again!



Where Is The Buried Treasure?

Pirates have buried 5 numbers which must be discovered and added up. When the mystery number is solved, the pirates will know how many steps to walk to find their treasure.

The problem is that the pirates didn't go to school and can't figure this out on their own. They need your help!  You need to find the numbers they hid, add them up and then let them know the number of steps to walk.

There are 5 digs. You will need to read the clue to know where to look for your secret number before following the link to your activity.

Don't forget to write down the numbers that you figure out.

You will have to add these up at the end.


Dig 1  ***How many points will you get if you make 100%?


Dig 2  ***How many seconds are in the time limit for this game?


Dig 3  ***How many words bring the sheep home?


Dig 4  ***How many lobsters are in the treasure chest at the end of the game?


Dig 5  ***How many tries before you get 'hangman'?






Tell your teacher your number, if it is correct  

Go to the Conclusion



Your treasure is riddled with riddles

What did the chess piece say before bed?

Knight knight.

What’s a cat’s favorite button on a DVD remote?


What is a Christmas gift’s favorite type of music?


What’s a librarian’s favorite color?


What is ice cream’s favorite day of the week?



KAHOOT to be played as a class


Teacher Page