Individual Theater Research Project


While we don't meet over this month, we will explore theatre over time.

With a short summary of many types of theatre constructs in history, and a longer paper written on one that caught your eye, you can gain a great deal of how staged performances have been organized and understood. 

Theater types: Western Classical, Noh, Chinese Opera, Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration, Romanticism


In an email, send me your short summaries of each category and your more fully explored paper on one that you chose to focus on. 

Your assignment is to summarize and categorize the different historical movements in theatre. Following completion of the webquest, you and your table group will create a one-pager outlining the elements of one specific movement. (Teacher will assign movement to each group)


Your one-pager must include:
1) Name of Historical Period

2) Years and duration of period 

3) Characteristics of time period (What made that time period in theatre special?)

4) Major "players" (Who was involved?) 

5) Types of costumes, stage development, and specific plays

  1. Read the links, taking notes as you go.
  2. Make sure to notice the key features that are unique to each style of theater. 
  3. In your own words explain to me the key elements you learned.
  4. Decide one to go into more depth to report on and write a research paper with images to be displayed at school when we return. 

Hope that you learned a lot and can appreciate how people over time have made an effort to come together and share in stories of the human experience.


I added to a Web quest from Kaitlin (Reed) Hoyle. Thank you!