Justin Bieber


Group 5 you have been given the artist Justin Bieber, A boy who skyrocketed from canadian schoolboy
to world known superstart. You will for yourself learn about the the rise to fame of Justin Bieber and
imagine yourself standing on the biggest scenes in the world and singing his greatest hits.
Before this assignment is over you too will be a Belieber I am sure.


Your task is to create a presentation about Justin Bieber. You presentation must include:

- The start of the superstar

- What has Bieber brought to the music scene?

- What is his most know songs?


ou must start by looking up material, use the links given, but search the internet yourself. Remember to be critical to your sources, and see if you can find sources that validate each other.

Here are a couple of links to get you started. Do search the internet yourself and use the library to find the most useful information.





You will in this assignment be asked to evaluate yourself as well as the other members of the group. make sure to evaluate each other correctly according to the guidelines explained in class.


What do you think makes Bieber a one of a kind?

Do you think people will be listening to his music in 50 years?