Kindness Week


As you know, this unit is focused on kindness. We have done many activities throughout the week that demonstrates what kindness means. This activity requires you to watch a short clip about kindness. 


Your goal is to listen to the video of the story "Kindness is Cooler Mrs Ruler". You will then take a quiz on what the video was about. 


Watch the video below: 



Kindness Webquest Rubric



Below Expectation


Meets Expectation


Exceeds Expectation





Watched the video completely





Student did not complete video.



Student skimmed the video.



Student watched the entire video.




Demonstrated knowledge of the video by taking the quiz





Student did not complete quiz with a 70% or above.



Student completed the quiz with a 70%-90%.



Student completed the quiz with a 90%.




Followed Directions



Student did not follow directions and had to be reminded to stay on task multiple times.


Student followed most directions but had to be asked to stay on task.


Student stayed on task and followed all directions.





Student demonstrates knowledge of what it means to be kind. They are able to give examples of what kind behavior is. 

Teacher Page

The goal of this webquest was to support our unit on kindness week. The students were able to express what they learned after watching the video through discussion and the quiz.