Long A and Sequence of events


 Week 1: Quarantine March 17

Achievement Indicators:

  1. Recognize the sound of long a
  2. Identify that ai, ay and a_e stand for long a
  3. Apply what they have learned by reading and writing long a words in context

Task 1: Sing Song and Identify Long A words

Sing the filliwing song at least twice. You can find the link below:



Write the lyrics to the song and write the words with red that have long a sound.


Task 2: Spelling List Long a


Wordlist Long a

  1. rain
  2. day
  3. play
  4. train
  5. ray
  6. cake
  7. name
  8. rake
  9. chain
  10. plate


Draw and color a picture for each word.

Write a sentence for each word.

Underline the vowels in each word.



Task 3 Worksheets on Long a

Please print these out and hand in 








Task 2: Spelling List Long a


Wordlist Long a

  1. rain
  2. day
  3. play
  4. train
  5. ray
  6. cake
  7. name
  8. rake
  9. chain
  10. plate


Draw and color a picture for each word.

Write a sentence for each word.

Underline the vowels in each word.


Task 3:  Watch video of our Journeys Book

Read Along the story of Curious George




Task 4: Worksheets on Long a

Please print these out and hand in 


Resultado de imagen de long a sound worksheet

Resultado de imagen de long a sound worksheetResultado de imagen de long a sound worksheet

Tack 5 : Do a sequence of event table fot story of Curious George at School. Print it out and hand it in.



Resultado de imagen de wequence of events table grade 1





In this web quest we worked week 1 of our quarentine