Make a soundtrack for a book


By Luan Hernandez, Liberty - 9th grade English

House On Mango Street

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Now that you've read "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, create a music playlist that best fits a character, chapter or the overall book.


You are to create a song playlist for a character, chapter, or overall book. You will need to present 2 of your songs to the class and explain why you chose them. You will also be turning in a page with your songs and a short explanation of why each song was chosen. 

  • The playlist must have at least 10 songs 
  • Songs must be clean versions
  • any music platform is fine
  • Title the playlist and add an image if you can




Part 1:

If you chose a character, analyze them. How are they described? What role do they play in the book? 

If you chose a chapter, reread and analyze. What is the meaning of this chapter? what emotions did you feel while reading it?

If you chose the book in general, what message was the author trying to send? What was the book's mood or tone?

Part 2:

Choose a platform to create your playlist (Apple music, Spotify, Soundcloud etc.)

Image result for apple music logo  Image result for spotify logo Related image

Be sure your songs are school appropriate 

Part 3:

Title your playlist by the name of the book, chapter or character

Add a cover image to your playlist 

Make sure your playlist is playable

Part 4:

Write an explanation for each song explaining why this song fits your topic, 3-4 sentences.

Use textual evidence from the book to explain why the song is fitting

Choose 2 songs to present to the class





Exceeds standards 15

Meets standards 10

Approaches Standards 5

Well Below Standards 0

Playlist and Songs

All 10 songs are well chosen, each song clearly fits a theme, the playlist is well organized, has a title and fitting cover

10 songs with the majority being relevant to the theme, the playlist is organized, titled with cover

Less than 10 songs, the playlist is not organized, no title and no cover

Less than 10 songs, songs are irrelevant to the theme, no title, and no cover

Written Explanations

10 thoughtful explanations with textual evidence, 3-4 sentences long, contains no grammar errors

10 thoughtful explanations, most explanations have textual evidence, 3-4 sentences long, few grammar errors

Less than 10 explanations, little to no textual evidence, less than 3 sentences, contains many grammar errors

Less than 10 explanations with no textual evidence, less than 3 sentences, contains so many grammar errors it is difficult to read


Student is clear and loud, faces audience and is able to present their ideas with clarity and brevity

Student was difficult to hear at times, faced audience for the majority of the time, presented their ideas with a few errors

Student was difficult to hear, did not face the audience, unable to present ideas clearly

Student was difficult to hear and understand, did not face audience, had many errors, and did not present ideas clearly

Score out of 45


After analyzing your book, chapter or character you should be able to create a playlist and write explanations for each song.

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Teacher Page

By Luan Hernandez, Liberty

This assignment is targeted at 9th graders in English. They will analyze the mood and tone of the assigned book. By letting them choose songs of their choice, it is a modern way to help them better understand how to analyze the mood, themes, and tones of literature pieces.