A New Perspective on History


Versailles King Louis XIV

Let's consider for a moment the people you hear from in your history books. The privileged and most notable voices fill our pages: presidents, generals, Kings, Queens... we read about wars and treaties and land acquisition, etc.  But are these the only voices that make up our history? Do other stories offer a different perspective? Let's consider for a moment the details we miss when we focus our lens only on the most notable voices.  Then let's do a little something about that.


Using online resources such as articles, videos and Skype you will discover a deeper connection to a historical event.

How do the voices of everyday people add to our understanding of history? 

Why do you think history is usually told from the perspective of the rich and powerful and focus on events such as wars and politics?

How does the internet affect our understanding of history, other cultures, and historical events?

Let's explore!


1. Read this article


  • The article states that "The fundamental difference between academic Native American history and Native American history from the native perspective is the medium through which the history is interpreted" Please explain in one page how this pertains to your subject as well as the article you read.

2. Research your historical event using textbooks and other sources from school.

3. Watch this video that gives helpful advice on conducting life story interviews:

4. Using Skye connect with a friend or family member to gain their perspective on the historical event you researched. How does their story change your understanding of what you learned?  Record the video.  https://www.skype.com/en/

4. Now tie together what you learned from your text books and the interview.  Write a detailed paper 2-3 pages describing the historical event incorporating both the interview and reading materials.


Criteria Exemplary = 3 Good = 2 Marginal = 1 Unacceptable = 0

Purpose & Objective


The writer's central purpose is apparent and follows the assignment's goal. 

The writing has a clear purpose but sometimes veers from the main purpose and does not align directly with the assignment's goal.

The central purpose is not consistently clear. Student does not seem sure of assignment goal

The purpose is unclear and assigned directions not followed.



Balanced presentation of information gained from research and interview. Paper shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of the topic. Reader gains important insights.

Information provides reasonable support of topic and balance of the required elements (research and interview).  Reader gains some important insights.

Information supports central focus at times. The text or interview is unbalanced. Not a clear analysis and generalizations are present.

Central purpose not identified. The interview and/ or research elements not evident.




The ideas are arranged logically to support the central focus.

The ideas are loosely linked and reader can often follow the line of reasoning.


Writing is arranged somewhat logically although often ideas fail to make sense together. Interview and research seem disjointed.

The writing is not logically organized. Ideas fail to make sense.


Word Choice


Word choice is consistently precise. No words used inappropriately.

Word choice is generally good. Some words used inappropriately.

Word choice is mostly adequate. Many words used inappropriately.

Word choice is poor. Many words used inappropriately,






The writing is free or mostly free of errors.

There are occasional errors, but the meaning is clear.

The writing has many errors. Meaning is unclear.


Errors are so prevalent that meaning is obscured.



The interview follows the recommended structure. Rich details and insights. The interview mostly follows recommended structure. Some good details and insights. The interview is rushed and does not follow recommended structure. Few details and insights. The interview was not recorded. There are no details or insights.

Criteria for the written paper that serves as a cumulation of the task. The paper should integrate knowledge gained from the interview and academic sources.  The paper should offer an analysis of the findings. 


The detailed accounts of survivors and other people personally impacted by historical events offer a rich connection to history. It has been said that our histories are complicated. They shift over time, are colored by new perspectives and open to interpretation. We have an obligation to ourselves to seek more perspectives to help us see the events through various lens. If history is only told by text book makers or the aristocrats then the significance of major events our interpretation is forever skewed. 

This activity will allow students to have deeper level thinking and analysis, while also utilizing various web-based learning tools. 

Teacher Page


Key Ideas and Details:

Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:

Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.