The Northeast Region


In this webquest, you will learn about the "Big 6" of the Northeast Region. -Landforms -Bodies of Water -Climate of the Region -Human Population and Culture -History -Natural Resources


Section 1: Landforms 

1) Read pages 110-111 in your Social Studies textbook. 

2) Read the section about landforms (pg 8-9) in the red book called "The Northeast". 

3) Read the Land and Water section in your Northeast booklet. (You can highlight important information in this booklet). 

4) Click on the link to learn more about landforms for the Northeast Region.


Section 2: Bodies of Water

1) Read the section (pg 31-33) about bodies of water in the red book called "The Northeast". 

2) Read page 127  from your social studies text.

3) Read the Land and Water section in your Northeast booklet. (You can highlight important information in this booklet). 

4) Click on the link to learn more about the Bodies of Water for the Northeast Region.


 Sections 3: Climate 

1) Read page  112  from your social studies text book.

2) Read the Climate section (pg 10-14) in your Northeast red book. 

3) Read the Climate section in your Northeast booklet. (You can highlight important information in this booklet). 

4) Click on the link to learn more about climate for the Northeast Region.


Section 4: Culture and Population 

1) Read the section about culture in the red book called "The Northeast". 

2) Read the Culture section in your Northeast booklet. (You can highlight important information in this booklet). 

3) Click on the links to learn more about population and culture for the Northeast Region.


Section 5: History 

1) Read pages 116-121 in your Social Studies textbook. 

2) Read  the section about history (pg 15-20) in the red book called "The Northeast". 

3) Click on the link to learn more about History for the Northeast Region.


Section 6: Natural Resources

1) Read the section Resources and Economy (pg 31-36) in the red book called "The Northeast". 

2) Read pages 113-114 from your social studies text book with your partner and take notes in the notes packet.  

3) Read the Products and Natural Resources section in your Northeast booklet. (You can highlight important information in this booklet). 

4) Click on the link to learn more about natural resources from the Northeast Region.