Parts of the Plant


Welcome Students!

Do you want to know the parts of the plants? Do you want to know it's functions? Are you all now ready for our new topic today? So brace yourselves because we are going to tackle about the Parts of the Plants and it's functions.

  • The learners needs to Identify the Parts of the Plants and it's functions.

Step 1. Let them hear the song which is entitled "Plant Parts"

 Step 2. Print out a pictures of the parts of the plants 

Step 3. Show the the parts of the Plants.

Step 4. Let them observed what they seen.

Step 5. Ask random question before introducing the topic.

Step 6. Group them into 3 and let them discover by themselves the pictures that will be given by the facilatator.

Step 7. Let them discover what will be the topic for today before introducing.

Step 7. Introduce the topic




The Do's and the Don'ts


  • Every learner must participate in the group activity.
  • In answering the parts of the plants group activity the learners must observed and be quite. 
  • Use the One mouth rule


  • Don't ever cheat. 


You will be graded by the following criteria: 

Participation- 50%

Understanding- 25%

Collaboration- 25%

Total: 100%


In the conclusion as a facilatator I must observed if the learners learned. I must understand if what are the parts they are confused because as a facilatator it is our duties to correct their mis-conceptions of each learner's. As a facilatator I group them into 3 groups so that they can apply the 4Cs in the group which are Communication because they need to communicate in order for them to analyze the parts of the plants, Collaboration the student's needs to share their ideas with their groupmates, Critical Thinking they think of what parts will that be in the pictures, Creativity because each learner's has it's own learning style. The facilatator made sure that they meet the expectations of each learner and they also learned. The main goal of the facilatator is that the learners will learn.
