realidad aumentada


In this work we will learn a little more about Augmented Reality, which is an emerging technology that allows us to enjoy experiences in which digital content is added to our real world, increasing our perception of it. We will learn about its functions, origin, advantages, etc.



  1. Source

  2. how augmented reality works

  3. Advantages and disadvantages

  4. Types

  5. what is the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality


The term augmented reality appears around the year 1990, coined by Boeing researcher Tom Caudell, who was involved in the developments that the company carried out to improve its manufacturing processes, where software was used to display the wiring plans on the parts produced.

The main characteristics of augmented reality are the following: It is a technology that superimposes virtual elements on the real image. It allows you to interact with it in real time. ... The image is projected in 3D, so that it appears to acquire the physical capabilities or proportions of the environment.

How does Augmented Reality work?

The integration between the real (physical) world and the virtual world is the main objective of this technology. Thus, for Augmented Reality to be able to reproduce, 3 fundamental components are needed:

a real object that functions as a reference for the interpretation and creation of the virtual object.
The presence of a device with a camera - such as a mobile phone - to transmit the image of the real object.
A software responsible for interpreting the signal transmitted by the camera.

Advantages and disadvantages

* AR, when used properly, can provide engaging and practical information that is superimposed on a real-world scene.
* Basic AR mobile apps are already well established.
* New tools have been created to assist doctors during surgery by allowing them to view patient information throughout the entire procedure.

It facilitates training, because it allows a much more versatile and attractive learning. Provides a lot of accessible and localized information. Streamline tasks. It allows to develop marketing campaigns very optimally.

* RA / RM (mixed reality) 'headsets' are expensive (Hololens: $ 3,500 USD; Magic Leap $ 2,295 USD) and in their current state they are very limited. Both have a limited range of scopes and the gesture controls are difficult to use. We won't see its widespread use until costs drop significantly and its shape improves.
* The RA / RM 'headsets' have a very 'geek' appearance and will only be used for very specific applications; we will not see its daily use in the near future.

Being such a new technology, its operation can be difficult. At present there is much ignorance of this technology by a part of the population. If you don't know how to use it, it can be of little use. Physical contact is put aside.

Marker-based augmented reality

Non-marker-based augmented reality

Augmented Reality based on the recognition of spaces.

Location-based Augmented Reality


What are the differences between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?
Although they have a very similar name, their characteristics and objectives are quite different.
While Virtual Reality creates a totally new environment detached from the real world, Augmented Reality includes digital components in the physical world around us.
Both require a technological intermediary to access them, however, they offer totally different experiences for users.
Virtual Reality replaces the "real" with 100% virtual content. This type of technology allows, for example, to enter games, scenarios and environments, where the user performs actions, moves and interacts with totally digital content, through complete immersion.
On the other hand, Augmented Reality projects information (such as images, graphics, characters, texts) in the real world, providing a new vision of physical space.

What are the differences between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?
Although they have a very similar name, their characteristics and objectives are quite different.
While Virtual Reality creates a totally new environment detached from the real world, Augmented Reality includes digital components in the physical world around us.
Both require a technological intermediary to access them, however, they offer totally different experiences for users.
Virtual Reality replaces the "real" with 100% virtual content. This type of technology allows, for example, to enter games, scenarios and environments, where the user performs actions, moves and interacts with totally digital content, through complete immersion.
On the other hand, Augmented Reality projects information (such as images, graphics, characters, texts) in the real world, providing a new vision of physical space.


Augmented reality allows us to superimpose interactive virtual elements on the real world that surrounds us, using our mobile devices.