



Duration: 1 hour 30mins

Objective 1. Define the term water and why is it important to life?

                 2.  Identify the properties of water

                 3. Identify some sources of water

Before the lesson begins let us see what you know.

a. What is water?

b. Where does water comes from?

c. What colour does water have?


Water is a colourless and odourless liquid found all over the earth. It covers more than 70% of the earth's surface. Pure water is water that has all impurities removed.


Where does water comes from?

Some sources of water are the ocean, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. Water can also be found underground.





Properties of water

All materials can be described by their properties. These are the way they look or behave. 

Activity 1.

 Identifying the properties of water through investigations. Complete experiment on pages 134, 135 and 141


The importance of water 

Water is important for life. It is one of the basic needs of both plants and animals. Two thirds of human body weight is water. Water evaporates from oceans, lakes and ponds and falls as rain. Water without salt is called freshwater. Fresh water is found in rivers, streams, ponds and underground.




1. Define the term water

2.Write one paragraph telling the importance of water

3. From your investigation identify four properties of water

4. State four sources of water.