


June 3,2020

Duration 1hour

Topic: Water cycle

Objective:  Illustrate the water cycle and explain the process at each stage.

                    Define the terms Evaporation condensation, precipitation, water vapour Transpiration

 The water cycle 

When liquid water is heated, it can turn into a gas called water vapour (steam). The  sun heats water bodies such as sea. lakes, pond, ocean and water vapour rises.This change from liquid water to water vapour is called evaporation.

Water also evaporates through the leaves of plant called transpiration

The Water Cycle- How Rain Is Formed-Lesson For Kids GIF | Gfycat

Water quickly evaporates in sunlight, as the sun heat the water. Water evaporates from lakes, rivers seas and oceans. When water vapour cools, it can change back into liquid water. That is what you see when the rain falls. This change from water vapour to liquid water is called condensation. Dew is an example of condensation. 

The Water Cycle: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation by Dawn ...


The water vapour cools as it rises. Tiny droplets of water mix with other gases form to make cloud. as more and more droplets form the cloud gets heavy and water return to the earth as: rain, hail or snow. This process is called  precipitation.

Water runs under ground, the movement of water through the soil is called procolation.

Types of Precipitation, Its Features and Occurrences

The cycle of evaporation and condensation is called the water cycle.

Water Cycle Stock Illustrations – 5,728 Water Cycle Stock ...



video of the water cycle

Activity 1. label the water cycle below Using the following words:  evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, percolation

Water Cycle Labeling Worksheet Water Cycle Diagram Worksheet Water ...




1. Name the main source of energy that drives the water cycle?_______________________________________



2. Define the terms evaporation ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Explain why evaporation is important for the water cycle 


4. Which process of the water cycle allows water to return to earth in the form of rain or snow? _________________________________


5. What is water cycle ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Name four sources of water for the water cycle _____________________________________________________________________

7.Explain how clouds are form _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Draw a water cycle of your own and label it