social science



Today we are going to study natrual resources. this web throws a light upon natural resources like air,water, land,tree,soil etc



  • To analyze the way of life of the people all over the world.
  • To develop understanding of the close relationship of human begins with the geography where we live.
  • To develop an appreciation of interdependence of various geographical regions. 



natural resource 

Natural resources are resources that exist without actions of humankind. This includes all valued characteristics such as magnetic, gravitational, electrical properties and forces, etc. 

Types of natural resources

renewable resource is a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally. Renewable energy almost never runs out, for example: solar energy is powered by heat from the sun and never runs out. Examples include oxygenfresh watersolar energy and biomass

non-renewable resource is a natural resource that is used up faster than it can be made by nature. It cannot be produced, grown or generated on a scale which can sustain how quickly it is being consumed. Once it is used up, there is no more available for the future. Fossil fuels (such as coalpetroleum, and natural gas), types of nuclear power (uranium) and certain examples. 


1) fill in the the blanks

  1. A                      is people can use which comes from the natural environment. Examples of natural resources are airwaterwoodoilwind energynatural gasiron, and coal.
  2. what are the two types of natural resources 
  3. give any 2 example of renewable and non renewable resources