Warrior Energy Company


Welcome to Warrior Town, PA!  You and your fellow engineeers have been hired by the township commissioners to research ENERGY.  They have asked that you choose 1 RENEWABLE and 1 NONRENEWABLE energy form to produce electricity for your town.   Your team will work together to gather scientific information and then present that information to the commissioners.  


Task 1:

Each group member will be assigned 1 renewable resource and 1 nonrenewable resource.  You will research each one and record you findings on your thinking map. Come up with a company name for your group.

(Thinking Map Link) 

Task 2

As a group, analyze which renewable and which nonrenewable rescource will best fit the logistics, location and needs of Warrior Town.  Use your  graphic organizer to help you prepare your proposal.  Then use either PREZI or PowerPoint to display and present your research and proposal. (Choose 1 group members PREZI account to use)

(Proposal Document)

Task 3

Present your findings and proposal to the commisioners of Warrior Town.  Practice your presentation, dress appropriately and be organized.  Everyone should have a role in the presentation. 

Be sure to have at least 2 facts to support your decision for each resource.  Warrior Town council will choose the energy company based on your presentation and proposal.

(Warrior Town)


Each day you must complete your part of the process.  After each group member finishes their energy source the group will meet.  The group will then decide which two energy resources will be chosen as their top two.  These two will be the ones presented to the Warrior Town officials and commissioners. 
ENERGY LINKShttp://www.darvill.clara.net/altenerg/ -  advantages and disadvantageshttp://www.neok12.com/Energy-Sources.htm - cool videoshttp://www.eschooltoday.com/energy/non-renewable-energy/what-is-non-renewable-energy.html -nonrenewable resourceshttp://www.kids.esdb.bg/basic.html - great site for what it is and where we get it http://ghills.metamora.k12.il.us/webquest/6th/alt_energy/Resource.htm - alternative resources(non fossil fuels)http://www.nrel.gov/-nonrenewable resources, especially good for uses.http://conserve-energy-future.com/ -renewable sources, good for history, advantages and disadvantages http://geothermal.marin.org/pwrheat.html - geothermal energy


This rubric will be used to evaluate each group member and their presentation.  Take time to review it and make sure each element is included in the final product. 

(Evaluation Rubric)


Congratulations on completing your proposal!  After reviewing each group's proposal the commissioners of Warrior Town will make their decision.  Each group has given an excellent set of advantages/disadvantages for each energy source.  Which source do you personally think is best for starting a new power plant facility?  

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