The Three Branches of Government


The United States is separated into three branches of government. The main idea behind this is to keep any one branch from getting too powerful and taking over. Sometimes this is called “separation of powers” or "checks and balances". The three branches of government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branch. After this WebQuest, you will be able to name each branch and the powers and duties of each. Now let's take a closer look at our government! 






To learn more about the three branches of government, please do the following:

1. Name the three branches of government.

2. Provide a brief description of each branch. Your description must include the roles and responsibilities of that branch. 

3. Complete the tree graphic organizer provided to you. You also need to color in your tree graphic organizer.



In order to name, describe, and fill in your graphic organizer on the three branches of government, please use the following links to gather information. Please write down any important information that you can use to complete your task in your Social Studies interactive journal.




Go to the website above and read about the three branches of government and checks and balances. Then take a 10 question quiz based off of the information you just read.


Completed all tasks

(5 points)

Half of the Tasks were Completed

(3 points)

Less than half of the tasks

(1 point)

Name the three branches of government      
Provide a brief description of each branch. Must include the roles and responsibilities of each branch.      
Complete the graphic organizer provided to you. Color in graphic organizer.      



I hope you enjoyed our in-depth look at the three branches of government. In completing this WebQuest, I hope you have a better understanding of how these branches work together.


The following resources were used to create this WebQuest:

TEKS: 4th Grade Social Studies

Knowledge and Skills Statement: The student understands important ideas in historical documents of Texas and the United States.

Student Expectation: 4.13B: Identify and explain the basic functions of the three branches of government according to the Texas Constitution.