

It is normal for our computers to malfunction or display errors. However, there are basic trouble shooting steps that can be used to solve these issues.


Hardware troubleshooting is the process of reviewing, diagnosing and identifying operational or technical problems within a hardware device or equipment. It aims to resolve physical and or  logical problems and issues within a computing hardware.


Think of three problems you have experienced while using your computer. Write them down and then write how you solved each!

The answers will be discussed next class.


Clink the link in your Google classroom on hardware troubleshooting and go through the contents. Please make notes where necessary and make a note of anything you aren't clear on.

Be sure to outline the causes and solutions.



In groups of three. Please choose your partners. Creatively come up with a song or poem about hardware troubleshooting. This is to be presented next class.

You can choose a specific problem to focus on or keep it general!