

I love turtles! I think they are one of the most fascinating animals on land or in water!


 On a piece of paper answer the questions in complete sentences and in paragraph form.  Use the websites that are posted along with the questions.


Use the links below to answer the questions.

1.  Go to the link below and list 5 facts about sea turtles.


2. What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?

3.  List the top 3 turtles that make the best pets and list 3 reasons why for each turtle.

4. Pick a turtle as a pet and figure out what you need for them and the cost of caring for your pet turtle.


5.  What are the turtles of Pa and how many are there?

6.  Pick a Pa turtle and write 3 to 5 sentences about it.





Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations

Needs Improvement

Below Expectations

Turtle WebQuest

8 points

All work in a timely manner


Be respectful of the teacher’s time and effort.


 Be respectful of classmates.


Complete the work in complete sentences or short answers.


Work is neat and legible.

All work is completed


Be respectful of the teacher’s time and effort.


Be respectful of classmates.


Completes most of the work in complete sentences or short answers


 Work is somewhat neat and legible

Some of the work is completed


Not very respectful of the teacher’s time and effort


 Not very respectful of classmates


Completes some of the work in complete sentences or short answers.


Work is a little neat and legible

Very little work is completed


Not respectful of the teacher’s time and effort


 Not respectful of classmates


None of the work is done in complete sentences or short answers.


Work is not neat and legible



I hope you have learned something new about these amazing animals.


Created By 


Keri McCullough